Get onto the Fuzz!

No Comments |  Posted by Neil |  Category:Forestry Commission, Kit, News

Following the break-ins back in April there has been at least one more that the Forestry are aware of. However, they are concerned that there may have been more that they don’t know about; if you have had kit stolen on the Hill, you need to tell both the Forestry Commission and local police.

Police helmet with blue light

Both the police and the Forestry work on statistics. To put it bluntly, if the police think that everything is fine and dandy on the Hill they’ll only drive past once in a blue moon. If they think they have the chance of nicking someone, they’ll come by more often.

Similarly, as a rider you help to pay for the Forestry to have rangers. The rangers are a good bunch, but they have a lot of different roles, staffing Aston Hill being just one. If they know that there is a problem at the Hill it will be in the Forestry’s interests to have staff over there more often.

And the more people in uniforms there are on the Hill, the less chance there is that some light-fingered tea-leaf will think it’s easy pickings.

In the meantime, keep bags, valuables and expensive kit out of sight when not being used, lock your cars and keep an eye out for people acting suspiciously. On the whole thieves are lazy and opportunistic. Why make life easy for them?

The Forestry Commission’s number is 01420 520212.

Bucks Police non-emergency line on 0845 8 505 505 and their website is http://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/yournh-tvp-pol-area-N251.

 | Tags: break ins, Forestry Commission, police, the fuzz, theft,

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