Archive for February, 2011


Do you ride at Woburn?

Comments Off   Posted by Aston Hillbilly |  Category:News, Trails

If you do, then it may be worth your while getting along to this to add your support:

To All Bike Permit Holders,

We are holding an open meeting for bikers at Woburn Sands Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 8th March at 19.00. We hope to:

  • Give you some background to the Access Agreement between Bedford Estates and Central Beds & Milton Keynes Councils (which allows cyclists to use the permissive bike routes and Jump Area in Aspley Woods):
  • Have a two-way dialogue concerning issues/problems/solutions as all parties perceive them:
  • Appoint some cycle representatives to sit on the newly-formed Aspley Woods User Group.

All bikers are welcome to attend.


The Greensand Trust

 | Tags: Woburn

Weather update for weekend 26th February

Comments Off   Posted by Neil |  Category:Weather and conditions

It’s going to be another damp one.

Well, that’s what the BBC and Metcheck are predicting. Again.

After an initially great forecast earlier in the week, the weather gods have conspired against us (again) and are throwing wind, rain and plummeting temperatures against us hardy cyclists. Again.

If the sheer volume of rain predicted falls tonight then it will probably be damp the weekend through. Bizarrely Saturday may be the better day as the mud will be wetter and less claggy - it’s also the warmer day of the two, albeit quite breezy.

If it’s your first time winter riding at Aston Hill read the essentials and the frequently asked questions – clay, chalk and wet roots make Aston Hill a very different animal in the wet! The boardwalk at the bottom of the Red Run is particularly difficult when covered with a layer of mud.

Hang in there; it will soon be time to run to the hills!

Weather update for weekend 25th February 2011


Forests get a reprieve

Comments Off   Posted by Aston Hillbilly |  Category:Forestry Commission, News

Forestry land is safe from threat of complete sell-off

On the 17th February the Government announced a U-turn on the forestry sale proposal - - which essentially means is that public forests in England have a reduced risk of being sold: ‘reduced’ because the Government can still sell 15% of Forestry Commission land (you can read more on this here).

The previous plans to do this are now ‘on-hold’ following the recent public outcry, but will almost undoubtedly not be forgotten about in a hurry, and the Forestry Commission will also still be having 25% of its workforce cut.

 | Tags: government, politics, privatisation, sell off

Weather update for weekend 19th February

Comments Off   Posted by Neil |  Category:Weather and conditions

It’s going to be another damp one.

Well, that’s what the BBC and Metcheck are predicting.

There’s already been a reasonable amount of rain midweek, but the temperatures have been mild, so areas that drain have been drying out. However, Saturday looks to be wet, making Sunday the better option. Don’t take the mud tyres off just yet.

If it’s your first time winter riding at Aston Hill read the essentials and the frequently asked questions – clay, chalk and wet roots make Aston Hill a very different animal in the wet! The boardwalk at the bottom of the Red Run is particularly difficult when covered with a layer of mud.

Yeah, I know - you get a weekend like this and all you want to do hole up in Malibu. But chin-up - spring is just aorund the corner!

Weather for weekend 19th February at Aston Hill

 | Tags: , damp, February, Hole,

Weather update for weekend 12th February

1 Comment »   Posted by Neil |  Category:Trails, Weather and conditions

It’s going to be damp.

Why not stay in and play Counter Strike?

OK - best not. Let’s get you outside and on the bike, you little tiger!

Thursday was rain from start to finish, so it will be damp Hillside. However, temperatures are very mild, so there’s a good chance areas will dry out. At a guess the 423 will be the track of choice, as well as the far section of the XC (where all the good singletrack is). Saturday looks by far the better day, especially if the predicted low temps Saturday nights and torrential rain Sunday happen.

If it’s your first time winter riding at Aston Hill read the essentials and the frequently asked questions – clay, chalk and wet roots make Aston Hill a very different animal in the wet and the boardwalk at the bottom of the Red Run becomes particularly difficult when covered with a layer of mud.

And remember - these slippery conditions? Heed the wise words of Milli Vanilli - blame it on the rain.

Weather for Aston Hill weekend 12th February 2011

 | Tags: , Counter Strike, Milli Vanilli,

Aston Hill in the press

Comments Off   Posted by Aston Hillbilly |  Category:Committee, MBR, MBUK, Press, Uncategorized

It seems that the fine folk of MBR and MBUK have written a few words about the Hill. Marketing bod Neil was briefly interviewed in February’s MBR and it seems that there are brief write-ups on the Hill in March’s MBUK and MBR.

As both articles were written mid-winter, it’s a given assumption the word ‘slippery’ was used at least once… (hey - it’s character building and improves handling skills!)

Keep your peepers peeled for both of them!

Aston Hill marketing officer Neil in MBR


Weather update for weekend 05th February

Comments Off   Posted by Aston Hillbilly |  Category:4X, Digging, Maintenance, Trails, Uncategorized

Bright and breezy doth dry trails make…

It’s looking incredibly mild this weekend and sure enough, the trails are drying out. Because Aston Hill has its own special little micro-climate there’s sure to be some wet patches (and some claggy areas as the trails dry), but where there’s any sort of exposure the blustery winds are drying the Hill out. The trail of choice will probably be the 423 as a lot of it is not north-facing, thus getting the best of any sun and the strong southerly winds.

All in all, it’s looking pretty decent for the time of year! The word that begins with s and rhymes with Tring shall not be mentioned, but definitely get out and enjoy the mild conditions.

Don’t forget that there’s a dig day happening on the 4X, so avoid this area. If you want to come along and help out you’d be welcomed with open arms! We’re meeting at 10am in the car park and there will be an afternoons riding and chocolate baked goods for all those who help out.

If it’s your first time winter riding at Aston Hill read the essentials and the frequently asked questions – clay, chalk and wet roots make Aston Hill a very different animal in the wet, even when it’s drying out. The boardwalk at the bottom of the Red Run becomes particularly difficult under a layer of mud as well, so keep it rubber-side down!

Anyone remember Lindy Layton singing over Clash basslines? Well, she’s still about and still skanking it up. Enjoy!

Weather at Aston Hill for weekend of 4th February, 2011

 | Tags: , maintenance, , , weather. conditions