
Phone Numbers

In the event of an emergency the following numbers should be used to get help.

  • Ambulance, Police and Fire services: 999
  • Forestry Commission: 07796 313507

Vehicle access to the bottom of the course is via the Chiltern Golf Club.


Aston Hill’s postcode is HP22 5NQ

Grid References

Aston Hill grid references are:

  • Car park: 489155, 210145
  • Golf club: 488742, 210460

Accident and Emergency

The nearest Accident and Emergency unit is:

Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Mandeville Road
Aylesbury, Bucks
HP21 8AL

  • Telephone: 01296 315000
  • A&E reception: 01296 315664

You can help by…

You can help an injured rider by:

  • Getting help!
  • Warning descending riders that there is an obstruction
  • Not moving him or her unless necessary
  • Reassuring and keeping the injured rider warm
  • Finding out what happened to pass on when help arrives

If serious DO get medical help and DO NOT put yourself in danger.