DH3 is probably the fastest of the five runs with bigger, sweeping turns interspersed with rooty sections. The top section is a gentle slope through the woods with a few small table-tops, before some big bermed turns into the steeper section of the course. While not as sheer as the Black Run, it still has plenty of challenge with fast off-camber sections and rooty drops, before a set of tighter switchbacks at the end.

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4 Responses to “DH3”

  1. Andy says:

    Rode this for the first time today (25th Sep), and it’s AWESOME! Looking forward to getting back to Aston Hill in the very near future!

  2. sam says:

    what is a respectable time for the dh3 in the dry?

  3. Neil says:

    It’s a decent length run, so if you’re anywhere near 1 1/2 minutes I’d say you’re doing very well!

  4. George says:

    Oh.. I need to practice a bit more then haha

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