DH4 is now shut to be re-developed; sorry for any inconvenience.

On the brighter side if you have ideas you’d like to see happen then post them below, and sign up to the dig days if you want to get involved in work on it over the winter!



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10 Responses to “DH4”

  1. Lynda says:

    This looks like my kinda run…going to have to get down there. Love that tune too :)

  2. Dave Vasey says:

    How about some big drop-offs and jumps, dare I say like Chick sands!
    Always felt Aston was missing something to test ones Niagara’s.

  3. Neil says:

    Duly noted Dave. ;)

  4. John says:

    Can we make it more bermy and jumpy and less rooty so it flows and keeps speed?

  5. Is this the royal ‘we’? ;)

  6. m9 says:

    how about some old school freeride lines some of us like the rutted out loose,steeeep stuff kinda what i liked about the old black run please dont get your nail files out

  7. We want to mix it up - there’s a real mix of riders on the Hill from the new-school whippy-tricky to the old-school hardened vet of alpine seasons. We want to reflect this in the trails.

    Don’t despair - it’s not all going to be smooth berms and manicured lines!

  8. rusty says:

    after the second dip there was a big set of roots you jumped up onto always thought you could turn it into a sweet step up. make it as difficult as possible more roots please cheers

  9. John says:

    I would help its just that im not even 16 yet.

  10. John - if we get your parent’s consent there are plenty of digs you’ll be able to help out on.

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