

What’s goin’ on?


As the great Marvin Gaye asked: What’s goin’ on?

You want to be in the know? OK! Here’s a quick update on what’s happening on the Hill over the past few months.

Corner at top of DH4


Dig day postponed


Sorry all those that were planning to come, but the dig Sunday to be postponed. Due to frozen ground and potential snow we’re going to let you play on bikes instead!

Watch Facebook, the website and your emails for the next one. It’ll be soon - there’s loads to do!

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Big berm


Work on DH4 has started.

And it’s big.

Big berm on DH4


DH4 to be closed for the winter


Bit of advance warning for you guys: DH4 will be closed shortly for a while for some much needed work.

As you’ve probably noticed, DH4 is in a pretty sorry state. It will be a project for the winter and various suggestions have been made regarding how to improve it, but we’d like your input too! If you have ideas it’d be great to hear them at the AGM.

Trail closed for maintenance



423 shut Saturday morning

No Comments   Posted by Aston Hillbilly |  Category:4-2-3, Digging, Forestry Commission, Maintenance, News, Trails

Tool carrier

Rich and some Hillbillys will be working on the 423 this Saturday (29th October) to bring trail structures in line with Forestry Commission guidelines.

What this means in plain English is they will be making sure that the 423′s jumps are solid and super-safe to ride over the winter - by the time they’ve finished these puppies won’t be going anywhere!

The 423 will be shut Saturday morning and should be open again by midday.


Planning to ride this weekend?

No Comments   Posted by Neil |  Category:4-2-3, Maintenance, News, Race, Trails

Aston Hill will be shut this Sunday for the Eastern and Central Regions Champs.

Sam Wakefield rags a new section of the 423 at Aston Hill

Sam Wakefield rags a new section of the 423

So, can I actually ride this weekend?

Is Aston Hill completely shut for the race?

If you’re planning to ride over the weekend then Saturday is open as usual. On Sunday the trails will be closed as the race course will use elements of other trails (non-racers are totally welcome to come and spectate!)

So is there anywhere I can’t ride on Saturday?

There will be a small area at the end of the 423 taped off on Saturday morning until about midday to allow for course taping. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Is there anything else I should know?

It’s also worth bearing in mind that Saturday is traditionally exceptionally busy in both the car park and on the race track with riders practicing - you may need to park in the race carpark, which is 30m past Aston Hill on the opposite side of the road.

There’s a race? But I can only make Sunday!

What shall I do?

Come along! Bring the family, take a few photos and enjoy seeing some of the best downhillers in the south do what they do best!

OK, how much is it?

There’s no parking or entry fees, so it’s a chance to watch one of the most adrenaline-charged sports on the planet for nothing. What’s not to like?

Where do I find out more about this?


I want to race! What shall I do?

Everything you need to know is on the Eastern and Central Regions Champs page, including parking and race entry details.

 | Tags: Eastern and Central Champs 2011,

Weather update for weekend 05th February

No Comments   Posted by Aston Hillbilly |  Category:4X, Digging, Maintenance, Trails, Uncategorized

Bright and breezy doth dry trails make…

It’s looking incredibly mild this weekend and sure enough, the trails are drying out. Because Aston Hill has its own special little micro-climate there’s sure to be some wet patches (and some claggy areas as the trails dry), but where there’s any sort of exposure the blustery winds are drying the Hill out. The trail of choice will probably be the 423 as a lot of it is not north-facing, thus getting the best of any sun and the strong southerly winds.

All in all, it’s looking pretty decent for the time of year! The word that begins with s and rhymes with Tring shall not be mentioned, but definitely get out and enjoy the mild conditions.

Don’t forget that there’s a dig day happening on the 4X, so avoid this area. If you want to come along and help out you’d be welcomed with open arms! We’re meeting at 10am in the car park and there will be an afternoons riding and chocolate baked goods for all those who help out.

If it’s your first time winter riding at Aston Hill read the essentials and the frequently asked questions – clay, chalk and wet roots make Aston Hill a very different animal in the wet, even when it’s drying out. The boardwalk at the bottom of the Red Run becomes particularly difficult under a layer of mud as well, so keep it rubber-side down!

Anyone remember Lindy Layton singing over Clash basslines? Well, she’s still about and still skanking it up. Enjoy!

Weather at Aston Hill for weekend of 4th February, 2011

 | Tags: , maintenance, , , weather. conditions

Feeling rakish? Two Dig Days approaching fast

No Comments   Posted by Aston Hillbilly |  Category:4X, Committee, Digging, Maintenance, News, Trails

If you want to do some digging, then there’s two fast-approaching dates for your diary!

You wanted it, you got it - the return of the alternative push-up!

There will be a special extra dig day on Sunday 30 January. Chairman Pete will be running it and in true RAF style, it has a very specific target: re-open the alternative push up (you know the one - it was used during Foot and Mouth). Bring rakes if you have them; there won’t be much digging as it’ll be a case of clearing the path and re-establishing it.

The continuing re-birth of the 4X

Sunday 6th February is the date set for the next session on the 4X. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the difference made at the last session was amazing and it seems that everyone is super-keen to continue with the good work. All hands welcome - come on over and continue making a difference to the Hill!

What? When? Where?

It’s the same plan as usual for both sessions – meet at 10am in Aston Hill carpark for a quick briefing before heading off into the woods to work up some magic. It will be a full-on morning of getting your hands dirty, so come dressed to dig with warm clothes and gloves (protective footwear and eyewear is also advised).

Want to come along? Excellent! If it’s your first time (don’t be embarrassed – we were all there once) drop a line to [email protected] to let us know and we’ll be more than pleased to show you the ropes. There’ll even be tea and cake at the end (and some soup as well, to warm weary limbs).

Rake heads

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Don’t forget - trail love session this Sunday!

No Comments   Posted by Neil |  Category:Digging, Maintenance, News, Trails

The new year is here, the ‘party season’ is drawing to a close and it’s back to the grindstone for most of us.

I know what you’re thinking - you want some fresh air, the chance to shift the Christmas love handles and get dirty in the woods while doing something for the sport you love, but you’re stuck back in the classroom/office/workshop/studio.

Well, my friend, rejoice!

This Sunday is the next of the monthly trail care dig days, hosted by Hillbilly regulars Ian, John and Rich. It’s the same plan as usual - meet at 10am in Aston Hill carpark for a quick briefing before heading off into the woods to work up some magic. It’s going to be a full-on morning of getting your hands dirty, so come dressed to dig with warm clothes and gloves (protective footwear and eyewear is also advised).

Want to come along? Excellent! If it’s your first time (don’t be embarrassed - we were all there once) drop a line to [email protected] to let us know and we’ll be more than pleased to show you the ropes. There’ll even be tea and cake at the end (and some soup as well, to warm weary limbs)!

All riders intending to head over to ride Sunday, please be aware that there is digging going on and keep a look out for Hillbilly digging teams in their fluro vests. There should be minimal disruptions on all trails.

Trail tool

 | Tags: , maintenance, trail care, trail love

Illegal building - why it’s a bad idea

No Comments   Posted by Neil |  Category:Committee, CTC, Digging, Forestry Commission, Maintenance, News, Trails, Weather and conditions

Got an idea to improve the Hill? Got a spade? Then why not build a sick new line? I mean - who’s going to know?

It should be obvious that any sort of rogue building in a fenced-off, well-recognised and maintained bike park is not the cleverest thing to do. Riding on illegal trails in a bike park which is insured, monitored and regulated is a surefire way to piss off the people that look after it. Crashing on illegal trails in a bike park which is insured, monitored and regulated is a surefire way to begin the process of closing it down.

All in all, it’s pretty stupid.

Trail closed

 | Tags: , illegal digging, stupid