
Do you see a problem with the above picture?
Then we need you!
We still need marshals for the Black Run Race, being held on the 25th of March.
Marshals are the backbone of race day. They ensure the smooth running of the race itself and are the eyes and ears for the timing crew and medics. To put it bluntly, if there are no marshals there is no race.
So, want to feel super important and part of the Black Run Race? Then we’d love to hear from you! Drop Rich a line at marshals [at] rideastonhill [dot] co [dot] uk and in return for a day spent helping us we’ll give you £35 and feed you lunch as well as plenty of tea, coffee or soft drink of your choice.
Sound like a deal? Excellent!
You may not have heard…
…but it’s all over our Facebook page; the entry to the Black Run Race is now open!
You can enter at http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/details/77573/Aston-Hill-Black-Run - the last couple of races have been a sell-out, so get in early!

As the great Marvin Gaye asked: What’s goin’ on?
You want to be in the know? OK! Here’s a quick update on what’s happening on the Hill over the past few months.

Calling all racers!
These are the provisional dates for races on the Hill in 2012.
As with any event the dates are subject to change until totally, totally nailed into the ground, (etc etc blah blah blah), but we’re confident enough in them to say get ‘em in your diary!
- Round 1 (Spring): March 25th
- Round 2 (Summer): May 20th
- Round 3 (Autumn): September 9th
Tracks to be decided, but expect plenty of spade work over the winter and some announcements soon!

Grippery 4: Not as great as the prequels, but still pretty good.
Please note Aston Hill will be shut on Sunday for the British Winter Series race.
For the time of year it’s pretty incredible out there. On Wednesday night the local trails were running amazingly well, but there has been some heavy rain since Thursday night. Saying that, the ground is not yet saturated and the winds have been brisk, so hopefully it won’t have affected things too much.
Saturday looks the better day with plenty of winter sun, with things probably turning a little greasier Sunday on race day. The Hill will be shut to the public on Sunday but there’s still race places available, so come along if you fancy a go!
As for the weekend, expect grease (especially in the sections that get little sun and wind, or where the chalk is obvious) as a worse case scenario and be pleasantly surprised if it’s better!
The brisk breeze will help to dry things out, is also very cold. It will be chilly where exposed, so come prepared and bring something warm for the carpark.
If it’s your first time riding at Aston Hill read the essentials and the frequently asked questions - they answer most enquiries people have about the park. Also bear in mind that Aston Hill becomes a far more technical venue in the wet, so take extra care.

3 - it’s the magic number…
As a lot of you know, Aston Hill is going to be the venue for the Extreme Knowhow International Winter Series over the weekend of 10/11th December.
It’s been confirmed today that the race run will be DH3. Apart from being a nice change from the Black Run and 423 used in the past few events, it deals with winter weather reasonably well (well, as well as a trail in the Chilterns can) and is super fun and flowy - good for December conditions.
This is not an Aston Hill run event, so all questions should be directed to Extreme Knowhow, who are the gents wearing the shades on this page.
Any questions about DH3 post below, or you could just come over and ride it!
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Weather and conditions

It could really do with a little rain…
After a dry week at the end of a very wet August, too many people were tempting the weather gods at Aston Hill. The very dusty course was “like riding on marbles”, according to one racer on Saturday’s practice and “it could really do with a little rain to settle things down” was said more than once.
Well my friends, ask and you shall receive.
To prove that the weather gods are listening and have a sense of humour, racing kicked off at 11am on Sunday and by 11.15 it had started raining. By 1pm it had become a deluge of biblical proportions and at 3pm it was barely letting up. By 5pm, shortly after prize giving, the sun finally came out.
Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?
Still, the conditions proved a few things. The first was that the 423 really is a good all-weather course, standing up remarkably well to the sustained beating that a day of racing brings. The second was that racers are a hardy bunch, with a good portion of riders staying to do a second run on a wet-turning-tacky trail.
The racing!
The hardtails were off first on a dry course, and Sam Johnson and Isaac Mundy of the Identiti Flow team claimed 1st and 2nd, with the 3rd and 4th fastest times of the day (1.10.71 and 1.12.93 respectively) and Matthew James making up the podium, barely four seconds off the winning time. Truly crazy, crazy fools.
| Tags: Eastern and Central Champs 2011
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Neil | Category:

More photos!
Event sponsor SimonSlaterPhotography.com‘s team have got all their shots up at www.simonslaterphotography.com/Aston_Hill_4.09.11.aspx
Vince Mo’s are on his website: www.mo-foto.co.uk/set/set_eastern_central_dh_2011.html
Dave Franciosy’s are on his Zenfolio site: davefranciosy.zenfolio.com/f258557286
And last but by no means least, BDS ‘tog Ian Cross has got put his shots on pics4all.zenfolio.com/p44359390
As ever, keep an eye on Aston Hill’s Flickr page and Roots and Rain.
More photo and video links as they arrive!
| Tags: Eastern and Central Champs 2011

Here’s Neil Chapman’s suitably slick offering. Enjoy!
| Tags: Eastern and Central Champs 2011
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Neil | Category:

| Tags: Eastern and Central Champs 2011